
We strive to ensure your satisfaction with every purchase made on our platform. If you find yourself dissatisfied with a product or service, we offer a straightforward refund policy to address your concerns.


  • Any purchase of Credits or Pro can be refunded within 5 days of the original purchase date.


  • If you choose to refund credits, please ensure that your account has sufficient credits. The refunded credits will be deducted from your account balance.

  • In the event of insufficient credits, the refund process will not be completed until your account is adequately funded.


  1. Identify the product you wish to refund and click the refund button on the Billing History page.

  2. Provide a reason for your refund request.


  • Refunds will be processed in the original form of payment or as credits to your account, depending on the nature of the purchase.

  • The refund process may take a few business days to complete.

  • After the 5-day window, refunds may only be granted in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of our team.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, let us know.

Last updated